(most recent first)

  • Developed the Electromagnetic Imaging during medical endoscopic procedure utilizing the shape sensing technology concept.The technology allows to see the real time virtual position/shape of the distal shaft of an endoscope, while the endoscope is manipulated by a physician during a procedure. This capability is achieved in a low electromagnetic field with sensors (inductance coils) placed in the scope that transmit position data to a processor via wire connections. The processor determines position of the sensors in 3D space, then transmits video information allowing a virtual image of the shaft to be displayed on a monitor.
  • Endovations, Boston Scientific Corp., Watertown, MA, 2006.
  • 02.
  • Developed 3D anatomical Human Torso Model for investigating the interaction of flexible endoscopic device with soft tissue during Wet Lab studies. Anatomical model includes a shell that simulates abdominal cavity as well as an animal tissue that simulates human internal organs. A shell surrounds the animal tissue and supports it in a few different positions for variety of configurations. A few sensors are embedded into model to detect interaction forces, torques and position of endoscopic medical device during simulated procedure. The computer program generates feedback to provide a physician with warning signals about approaching a dangerous level of interaction which could cause real patient discomfort or potential injury. Additionally the Model allows to collect valuable data of physician / patient interaction during simulation of the above procedure. This work was awarded the 2005 Technical Excellence Award for "Colonoscope Wet Lab Colon Model". Endovations, Boston Scientific Corp., Watertown, MA, 2005.
  • Endovations, Boston Scientific Corp., Watertown, MA, 2004-2006.
  • 03.
  • Developed a disposable, needle-free, single-use high pressure (up to 15,000 psi) injection system, drug delivery device with manual high accuracy fillings, that targets chronic-use indications and protein-based therapeutics. BioValve Inc., Worcester, MA, 2003.
  • BioValve Technologies Inc.,Westborough, MA 01752, 2003-2004
  • 04.
  • Developed model of incompressible viscous flow through rectangular duct with variable boundary conditions. The two-dimensional unsteady incompressible, laminar fluid flow bounded by two transversally vibrating surfaces. Both surfaces are smooth and satisfy the Reynolds roughness criterion. Rectangular gap (~1 mm) is much smaller than characteristic duct length (~100 mm). No-slip conditions for all boundaries. Inflow boundary has steady flow with parabolic velocity profile (Piosselle distribution). Outflow boundary has pressure equal zero. Computed sets of 2-D Navier-Stokes equations . The numerical scheme employed to solve these equations based on the finite-volume approach.
  • UTRC, E.Hartford, CT, USA, 1998-1999
  • 05.
  • Developed and modeled a piezo-crystal driven acoustic flow in controlling boundary layers. The PZT element excite the channel / duct around the flowing medium into resonance at high frequency, thus will a variation of the velocity profile within the channel / duct through acoustic wave interaction. Simple considerations show that the inducing by wall oscillating cross-stream flow in a straight pipe has the potential for velocity profile changes that the velocity near wall became larger than near the centerline. The prototype of PZT actuation systems was build and tested. Patent US 6,109,566 (R-4239).
  • UTRC, E.Hartford, CT, USA, 1998-1999
  • 06.
  • Developed and modeled an active control of a new generation pantographs for high speed trains. It established the range of parameters, the type of pantograph design, the conditions of railroad. The 1st degree model was developed. It established that the control technology possibilities as active control are limited in this case, because of actuation time was compatible with character time of process.
  • UTRC, E.Hartford, CT, USA, 1999
  • 07.
  • Model of passive vibration driven oscillator (VDO) was considered as vibration driven one-dimensional, one mass type oscillator for pumping air in boundary layer. The membrane pump was described as discrete system, as spring-mass-dampered oscillator with mass located in the center of membrane. Model for several VDO, with assumption of performing the harmonic oscillations was calculated (Matlab, Mathcad).
  • UTRC, E.Hartford, CT, USA, 1998-1999
  • 08.
  • Developed and modeled a spinning valve actuator. Developed an actuation model that was compatible with the existing model. Valve model enabled the investigation of closed loop performance of existing combustion dynamic model. Utilized MatLab and Simulink for dynamic and control modeling.
  • UTRC, E.Hartford, CT, USA, 1998-1999
  • 09.
  • Created linearized model of a redundant hydraulic intensifier (RDAHI). Model was used for control the motion of RDAHI. Defined important conditions, which kept RDAHI system balanced. Created algorithm for RDAHI controlled by 4 proximity switches, using MatLab and Simulink software.
  • Ingersoll-Rand Inc., Waterjet Division, Farmington Hills, MI, USA, 1996-1997
  • 10.
  • Developed equations for pressure drop in the high pressure flow (until 65,000 psi) through variety of elements. Performed computation and experimental study to define the coefficient of losses for local flow resistors (Re~50,000). Developed software (Visual Basic) for pressure drop calculation.
  • Ingersoll-Rand Inc., Waterjet Division, Farmington Hills, MI, USA, 1996-1997
  • 11.
  • Performed experimental and computation investigation of material behavior under ultra-high water pressure (up to 65,000 psi), applying static and dynamic (cycling) load. Conducted tests for verifying calculations (moving parts and polymer based seals).
  • Ingersoll-Rand Inc., Farmington Hills, MI, USA, 1995-1997
  • 12.
  • Developed an ultra-high pressure hydraulic intensifier (65,000 psi). Participated in calculation, investigation, testing of the whole system and high pressure components.
  • Ingersoll-Rand Inc., Farmington Hills, MI, USA, 1995-1996
  • 13.
  • Designed, built and tested the metal spray gun SHPM-3 (argon-oxygen flame) for manual or automatically spraying of all fusible materials in the form of wires and flexible cords for various diameters and quality. Conducted investigation of a type of material for thermal resistive coating for aerospace applications.
  • TECHNICORD, Moscow, Russia, KORUND, Tallinn, Estonia, 1990-1993
  • 14.
  • Developed a simple, manually operated, compact, horizontal, bore-drilling test bench. Test bench prevents wrong test-data even in case of pressure loss.
  • NPO Rythm, St.Petersburg, Russia, 1991-1992
  • 15.
  • Developed the high pressure (6,000 psi) gas-flow meter.
  • photo n/a
  • LenGasProm Corp., St.Petersburg, Russia, 1991-1992
  • 16.
  • Developed manual non-vibration pneumatic tools such as sanders, chisels, impact wrenches, hammers, etc. Including development of concept, calculation, designing, patenting, testing, and putting into practice.
  • AutoService Inc., St.Petersburg, Russia, 1989-1992
  • 17.
  • Conducted investigation of the propagation impact wave in the enclosed volume of viscous liquid, mostly math. simulation of impact processes.
  • GIPRONIKEL Inc., St.Petersburg, Russia, 1988-1991
  • 18.
  • Developed a multichannel data acquisition system for a hydraulic high-energy impact machine. It included concept development, programming (C), testing, acquiring and following data analysis.
  • GIPRONIKEL Inc., St.Petersburg, Russia, 1988-1991
  • 19.
  • Conducted investigation of the process of propagation of the impact wave in the pikes of pneumatic hammers. The above set-up was build for testing.
  • LenMetroStroi Inc., St.Petersburg, Russia, 1989
  • 20.
  • Developed a pneumatic percussion machine (energy of up to 125 J) without vibration.
  • PNEUMATICA Design Bureau, St.Petersburg, Russia, 1988
  • 21.
  • Developed vibration-mixer pumps, including math. modeling, computer simulation, and vibration parameters testing.
  • photo n/a
  • Institute of Analytical Instrumentation, Academy of Science USSR, St.Petersburg, Russia, 1987

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    Created by Roman N. Tunkel
    @ Last updated 12/21/2006